COVID-19 Vaccination Programme

Coventry Navigation 1 is offering COVID Vaccination _spring booster  booster  for Over 75 years and if you are in at risk catagory.

People aged 75 years and older, residents in care homes for older people, and those aged 12 years and over with a weakened immune system will be offered a Spring booster of coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.

Parents and carers of 5 to 11 years olds will be able to book a COVID vaccine for their children, as the biggest and most successful vaccination programme in NHS history expands again.

Clinics are held at COCHC  (city of Coventry health centre)

The service will open on Saturday as drop in or  bookings appointments online booking service  or through your own GP practice

The NHS is making the vaccine available for all 5 to 11s following updated JCVI guidance, which recommended all children would benefit from a non-urgent offer of the vaccine, with almost five million now eligible.

Who is being offered an autumn booster?

COVID-19 is more serious in older people and in people with certain underlying health conditions.

This winter it is expected that many respiratory infections, including COVID-19 and flu may be circulating at high levels – this may put increasing pressure on hospitals and other health care services. For these reasons, people aged 50 years and over, those in care homes, and those aged 5 years and over in clinical risk groups are being offered an autumn booster of COVID-19 vaccine.

A booster will also be offered to front-line health and social care staff, those who care for vulnerable individuals and families of individuals with weakened immune systems.

The autumn booster is being offered to those at high risk of the complications of COVID-19 infection, who may have not been boosted for a few months. As the number of COVID-19 infections increases over the winter, this booster should help to reduce your risk of being admitted to hospital with COVID-19.

The booster may also provide some protection against mild Omicron infection but such protection does not last for long.