Healthy Lifestyle Clinics

Do you want to make permanent lifestyle changes and be happier and healthier?

Would you like help and support with your journey?

Would you like to be part of a free local community to help you achieve your goals?

Then Healthy Lifestyle Group Clinics are perfect for you!

Based at Godiva Group Practice on the Stoney Stanton Road, our Healthy Lifestyle Group clinics will teach you how to make permanent lifestyle changes to improve your general health, wellbeing and fitness, and help prevent and better manage a wide range of physical and mental health conditions.  Healthy Lifestyle Group Clinics are open to all patients registered to a Practice under Coventry Navigation1 Primary Care Network.

The clinics consist of 3 sessions (1 session per week, each lasting 1 hour), that will empower you to make long-term positive changes to various aspects of your lifestyle. After each session we have a 30 minute walk and talk in the local park.

Session 1 – Healthy Lifestyle

In this session you find out who we are and we find out who you are! We explore who you are as a person and what makes you tick. We look to find out what your goals and aspirations are plus what challenges you face. With this information we can tailor the sessions to ensure you get the most out of them. We will explore what elements make up a Healthy Lifestyle, and how they impact your life.

Session 2 – Nutrition (NOT diet) and Activity

In this session we will look at nutrition and activity. We explain nutrition in simple terms, and take the confusion and misinformation out of healthy eating. We will explore what the body needs in terms of nutrition, and the best way to obtain it. We will explore activity and exercise, how it is impacted by the food that we eat, and the substantial benefits that activity and exercise has on health and wellbeing (it’s not just about weight loss).

Session 3 – Barriers and Support

In the final session we will look at what barriers and difficulties you may face in making lifestyle changes, how to overcome them and use long-term intervention techniques to stay on course to a happy and healthier lifestyle. We will also discuss what is important to you as an individual, and offer help and support through our Social Prescribing Team.

Rules for the sessions

The sessions are non-judgmental and relaxed. One of our main rules is ‘be kind to yourself and to others’. We all have good & bad days and making lifestyle changes can be really hard! We look forward to welcoming you to our sessions.

How to register your interest

Spaces are going fast, so to join the next available group, please click on the link below and complete the form to register your interest. We will then send you a confirmation email once you are booked on.

Follow the link below to book your place!

Healthy Lifestyle Group Clinics – Booking Form

Please ensure you let us know if you are no longer able to attend booked sessions. We can always book you onto future sessions.